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Class composition

Reactive class members

Most examples in previous tutorials defined reactives in a global context. In practice, however, the predominant use case should be defining them as class members (hopefully). There is nothing fundamentally different about that.

Here’s an example:

#include "react/Domain.h"
#include "react/Signal.h"
#include "react/Event.h"

REACTIVE_DOMAIN(D, sequential)

class Shape

    VarSignalT<int>  Width    = MakeVar<D>(0);
    VarSignalT<int>  Height   = MakeVar<D>(0);

    SignalT<int>     Size     = width * height;

    EventSourceT<>   HasMoved = MakeEventSource<D>();

We used C++11 in-class member initialization. Alternatively, the members could’ve been initialized the constructor. For both variants, it’s important to mind the declaration/initialization order:

class Shape

    SignalT<int>    Size;
    VarSignalT<int> Width;
    VarSignalT<int> Height;
    EventSourceT<>  HasMoved;

    Shape() :
        // Breaks, because Width and Height are still uninitialized at this point
        Size( Width * Height ), 
        Width( MakeVar<D>(0) ),
        Height( MakeVar<D>(0) ),
        HasMoved( MakeEventSource<D>() )

If a reactive value is used before it has been initialized, that would be equivalent to a nullptr.

Signals/events of references

When creating signals (or event streams) of class types, chances are we want references or pointers as value types.

Signals of pointers require no special treatment, since pointers have value semantics anyway. For references, we could use std::reference_wrapper. Alternatively, Signal is specialized for reference types, which is slightly more convenient:

class Company
    const char* Name;

    Company(const char* name) :
        Name( name )

class Employee

    VarSignalT<Company&> MyCompany;

    Employee(Company& company) :
        MyCompany( MakeVar<D>( std::ref(company) ) )
Company     company1( "MetroTec" );
Company     company2( "ACME" );

Employee    bob( company1 );

Observe(bob.MyCompany, [] (const Company& company) {
    cout << "Bob works for " << company.Name << endl;

bob.Company <<= std::ref(company2); // output: Bob now works for ACME

As shown, input to a signal of a reference has to be wrapped by std::ref or std::cref to make the reference obvious. Event streams of references are used in the same fashion.

Dynamic signal/event references

Now let’s consider that the company name is a signal as well:

#include <string>
using std::string;

class Company

    VarSignalT<string> Name;

    Company(const char* name) :
        Name( MakeVar<D>(string( name ) )
Company     company1{ "MetroTec" };
Company     company2{ "ACME" };

Employee    alice{ company1 };

We want to create an observer of the name of Alice’s current company. This might work:

    [] (string name) {
        cout << "Alice works for " << name << endl;

But the following input reveals a problem:

company1.Name <<= string("ModernTec");
// output: Alice now works for ModernTec
// OK so far

alice.Company <<= std::ref(company2); 
// no output
// Name should've changed

The observer was registered to the name of the company Alice worked for at the time, as indicated by MyCompany.Value(). When the company changes from company1 to company2, it has to shift from company1.Name to company2.Name. We cannot do this with any of the mechanisms presented so far.

This is enabled by the REACTIVE_REF macro:

SignalT<string> myCompanyName = REACTIVE_REF(alice.MyCompany, Name);

Observe(myCompanyName, [] (const string& name) {
    cout << "Alice works for " << name << endl;

The intermediate signal can be avoided, as long as we keep the observer handle alive:

ObserverT obs = Observe(
    REACTIVE_REF(alice.MyCompany, Name),
    [] (const string& name) {
        cout << "Alice works for " << name << endl;

In both cases, the output is:

company1.Name <<= string("ModernTec");
// output: Alice now works for ModernTec

alice.Company <<= std::ref(company2); 
// output: Alice now works for ACME

company2.Name <<= string("A.C.M.E."); 
// output: Alice now works for A.C.M.E.

A similar macro REACTIVE_PTR exists for pointer types (i.e. VarSignalT<Company*>).