HomeReferenceDomain.h ⇀ TransactionStatus

TransactionStatus class

This class allow to wait for a asynchrounous transactions started with AsyncTransaction.

An instance of TransactionStatus shares ownership of its internal state with any transactions it is monitoring. The instance itself is a move-only type, i.e. each transaction status manages a unique state. A single TransactionState can monitor multiple transactions and it can be re-used to avoid repeated state allocations.


class TransactionStatus
    // Constructor
    TransactionStatus(TransactionStatus&& other); // Move

    // Assignemnt
    TransactionStatus& operator=(TransactionStatus&& other); // Move

    // Waits until any transactions associated with this instance are done
    void Wait();

Constructor member function


TransactionStatus();                            // (1)
TransactionStatus(TransactionStatus&& other);   // (2)


(1) Creates a status instance that does not monitor any transactions.

(2) Creates a status instance by moving internal state from other to this. A new state is allocated for other.

operator= member function


TransactionStatus& operator=(TransactionStatus&& other);


Moves the internal state from other to this. Ownership of any previous state is released and a new state is allocated for other.

Wait member function


void Wait();


Blocks the current thread until all monitored transactions are done. After Wait returns, the status instance can be reused.