// (1)
typename D,
typename E,
typename F,
typename T = result_of<F(E)>::type
Transform(const Events<D,E>& source, F&& func);
// (2)
typename D,
typename E,
typename F,
typename T = result_of<F(E)>::type
Transform(TempEvents<D,E,/*unspecified*/>&& source, F&& func);
// (3)
typename D,
typename E,
typename F,
typename ... TDepValues,
typename T = result_of<F(E,TDepValues...)>::type
Events<D,T> Transform(const Events<D,E>& source,
const SignalPack<D,TDepValues...>& depPack, F&& func);
For every event e
in source
, emit t = func(e)
(1) Takes an l-value const reference.
(2) Takes an r-value reference. The linked node is combined with the new node.
(3) Similar to (1), but the synchronized values of signals in depPack
are passed to func
as additional arguments.
Note: Changes of signals in depPack
do not trigger an update - only received events do.
The signature of func
should be equivalent to:
T func(const E&)
T func(const E&, const TDepValues& ...)