HomeReferenceEvent.h ⇀ EventRange

EventRange class

This class represents a range of events. It it serves as an adaptor to the underlying event container of a source node.

An instance of EventRange holds a reference to the wrapped container and selectively exposes functionality that allows to iterate over its events without modifying it.


template <typename E>
class EventRange
    using const_iterator =  typename /*adaptee<E>*/::const_iterator;
    using size_type =       typename /*adaptee<E>*/::size_type;

    // Constructor
    EventRange(const EventRange&); // Copy

    // Assignment
    EventRange& operator=(const EventRange&); // Copy

    // Returns random access const_iterators to beginning/end of the range
    const_iterator begin() const;
    const_iterator end() const;

    // Returns the number of events in the range
    size_type Size() const;

    // Returns true, if the range is empty
    bool IsEmpty() const;