// (1)
typename T,
typename D,
typename E,
typename F
Events<D,T> Process(const Events<D,E>& source, F&& func);
// (2)
typename T,
typename D,
typename E,
typename F,
typename ... TDepValues
Events<D,T> Process(const Events<D,E>& source,
const SignalPack<D,TDepValues...>& depPack, F&& func);
(1) func(range, out)
is called with all events range
from source in current turn, under the condition that the number of events is greater zero.
New events are emitted through *out = e
(2) Similar to (1), but the synchronized values of signals in depPack
are passed to func
as additional arguments.
Note: Changes of signals in depPack
do not trigger an update - only received events do.
The signature of func
should be equivalent to:
void func(EventRange<E> range, EventEmitter<T> out)
void func(EventRange<E> range, EventEmitter<T> out, const TDepValues& ...)
The type of outgoing events T
has to be specified explicitly, i.e. Process<T>(src, func)
is an adapter that exposes random access input iterators to begin and end of the source event container.
is a std::back_insert_iterator
of the output event container.