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It’s recommended to read the tutorials below the order they’re listed in.

Code examples are kept to brief to focus on the integral parts. Repeated definitions are omitted and we assume that the used types and functions from the standard library, i.e. std::string or std::cout, are available in the current namespace. Complete source code of some of the examples can be found here.


Tutorials of this category cover the core abstractions and aspects of their use.


Introduces signals, one of two core reactive abstractions, …

Event streams

… and event streams, which are the second one.


Shows how callback functions are registered to other reactive values and how their lifetime is managed.


Approaches more complex problems by combining signals and events with the generic functions.

Class composition

Demonstrates how reactive values integrate with object-oriented design.

Parallelism and concurrency

This category contains tutorials that focus on aspects of concurrency and parallelism.

Enabling parallelization

Introduces the different concurrency policies, how to select between them …

Asynchrounous transactions and continuations

… and how to make use of them with asynchrounous transactions and continuations.

Performance tuning

Shows ways to improve performance of parallel updating and concurrent input.